Take a Farm Tour
You’ve been to the forums, you’ve seen the films – but how do local farms really work? See for yourself by joining LexFarm on an actual farm tour.
Tour the Busa Farm and learn the history of the land on the first Saturday of the month– April 3, May 1, or June 5 from 12:45-2 pm.
Tour Local Farms on the second Saturday of the month – April 10 or May 8 from 10:45am-noon, or June 12 from 9:45am-11am. Farmers will host tours and talk about the business of managing self-sustaining community farms.
Tours are limited to 25 people; to register, click here and fill out the form form:
Currently scheduled:
- April 10: Newton Community Farm
- May 8: Stearns Community Farm, Framingham
- June 12: Waltham Fields Community Farm