Our Team


(click on a name for a bio)

Pamela Tames, Executive Director

Pam and her family have lived in Lexington since 1998. Pam enjoys her backyard garden, growing vegetables, herbs, flowering plants and even a peach tree. She has volunteered in the schools and community organizations and was recently elected to Town Meeting. Pam has been a member of LexFarm’s CSA since its founding. She marvels at the possibilities and challenges that come with organic farming and appreciates the local food source and preservation of historic farmland. Pam helped LexFarm become a SNAP-authorized retailer, increasing access to organic produce for people of all income levels. More recently, she led a committee exploring expansion of the farm stand. Professionally, Pam is an energetic and thoughtful leader, lawyer and team player with a passion for work that empowers people. Developing and expanding programs that impact health and well-being has defined her career. Before being hired as LexFarm’s Executive Director in 2021, Pam served on LexFarm’s Board of Directors for 4 years.

Allison Morrisette Ostrowski, Greenhouse Manager

Allison in grew up in rural Vermont. An aunt and uncle lived down the road on “the old family farm.” Early spring meant gathering sap during sugar season and summer meant haying and picking wildflowers and raspberries. Farming as a career began for Allison after experiencing joy in harvesting crops and being physically challenged to get a job done while volunteering with the Boston Area Gleaners. The following summer she continued pursuing her dreams at Waltham Fields Community Farm.

In 2018, Allison joined the team at LexFarm as an Apprentice under the tutelage of Elena Colman. Allison is looking forward to growing healthy food for the LexFarm community and is interested in expanding the food access program so that it reaches more households as CSA Manager.

Miranda Lachman, Field Manager

Miranda was LexFarm’s Assistant Grower in 2021, returned in 2022 as Assistant Farm Manager and is the Field Manager in 2023. Miranda originates from NYC and spent summers growing up at her family’s farm in New Hampshire, eating blueberries and tending to the herb garden. This sparked a love of food and an appreciation for the great outdoors. At college she majored in environmental studies with a focus on food systems, and she got interested in farming while teaching environmental education to youth. Miranda has farmed at an elementary school in Lynn and on larger farms in Lincoln and the North Shore. She also worked as a compost educator, teaching folks about worms mostly, and the wonders of carbon sequestration. Her favorite farm tasks are harvesting garlic scapes, pruning tomatoes, and getting creative with mid-morning field snacks.

Rachel Curtin, Education Director

Rachel comes to LexFarm as a seasoned educator, with many years of experience teaching in California and Massachusetts public elementary schools.

Since 2020, she has worked as an outdoor educator at LexFarm and Wright-Locke Farm. Rachel’s shift to outdoor education has been personally transformative. She loves the joy and discovery involved in working with children in a beautiful place where the landscape and seasons are always evolving.

Rachel’s approach to teaching is centered around inclusive community building. Her farm classes are structured but play-based, guided by children’s interests and very hands-on! As a mom of two young daughters, she is committed to building children’s comfort outdoors, as well as their sense of interconnection and care for the world around them. Rachel is excited to be stepping into LexFarm’s Education Director position and will be working to expand the farm’s educational offerings in the months to come!

Rebecca Adler, Retail Sales Manager

Rebecca comes to LexFarm with a background in retail, customer service, administration, and horses. She grew up in Andover, Massachusetts, where she worked at horse farms and retail stores.
Rebecca attended Johnson & Wales University, majoring in equine business management and riding. She has always had a passion for helping people, having been involved with other non-profit organizations in the past. She is very excited to learn more about sustainable farming, and can’t wait to share the “fruits” of the hard-working farmers’ labor with the community!

Mar Koren, Retail Sales Associate

Mar is excited to join LexFarm as the Farm Store Sales Associate! Mar has always loved cooking, and has had numerous jobs that revolved around food. They have worked at two different nonprofit homeless shelters (one in PA and one in MA), a sustainably-sourced restaurant in Concord, MA, and in the farm stand and fields of a vegetable farm during the 2019 and 2020 seasons. Mar loves trying new vegetables, and spending time with their two bunnies, Freddie and Hummus.

Katerina Kyuchukova, Harvest Manager

Kat is in her 3rd season farming and has grown a passion for this labor of love. She is so excited to return to the awesome team at LexFarm this year as Harvest Manager, to help this community farm flourish. Her favorite vegetables are eggplant and kale, and when she’s not farming, she loves hosting dinner parties, playing board games, and swimming in the ocean.

Sara Bothwell Allen, Volunteer Programs Coordinator

Sara has been a Lexington resident since 2014, when she moved back to the area, bringing her California-born family members with her. Sara’s background is in field biology, primarily insect ecology. For several years, her research focused on conservation biological control of insect pests in organic vegetable cropping systems. For the past several years, Sara has been volunteering as Big Backyard coordinator at Estabrook school, as a founding member of Lexington Living Landscapes, serving in Lexington Town Meeting, as LexFUN treasurer, and more. She’s excited to bring her experience organizing volunteer opportunities to LexFarm, and in particular to find ways of engaging more members of our LexFarm community with meaningful volunteering experiences on the farm. If you are looking for a way to get engaged–reach out to [email protected]When she’s not at LexFarm, you’ll find Sara leading Big Backyard walks, watching her children’s sporting events, or swimming.

Matthew Schector, Assistant Grower

Yuni Chang, Apprentice

Erin Espinosa, Apprentice

Sophie Spink, Summer Farm Education Intern

Chamara Sandaradura, Bookkeeper

Chamara and his family live in Ashland, MA, and are originally from Sri Lanka. Chamara is passionate about education and non-profits. He is very excited about bringing his wife and sons to the farm, teaching his sons to appreciate nature, and exposing them to the farming environment. Chamara currently works at Framingham State University and has a Masters Degree in Business.



(click on a name for a bio)


Mary Rose Scozzafava, President

Mary Rose is an attorney and resident of Lexington since 1993 and LexFarm board member since 2015. She is an avid gardener, and works to bring sustainable practices into her own gardens. She is currently a Senior Fellow at The Conservation Law Foundation, where she works to support New England farmers and the local food system. Mary Rose brings her legal, conservation and farm experiences to help LexFarm achieve its mission of sustainable agriculture, community engagement and education.

Mary Rose is involved in other town organizations including the Lexington’s Conservation Commission and Conservation Stewards to maintain and oversee conservation restrictions on town-owned conservation lands, the Fence Viewers Committee and the Lexington Zero Waste Collaborative.

Mark Gabrenya, Vice President

Mark has lived in Lexington since 1996. He has been on the board of directors since March, 2015 and a member of the Property Committee. Much of his work for the farm is focused on improving and repairing the infrastructure and cleaning up the property. His red Prius is always loaded with tools and he’ll never turn down a donation of a straight 2 X 4. He is also the owner of Brite Harvest Farm — a controlled environment agriculture hydroponic farm inside a shipping container. It’s the big green and white box located behind LexFarm. When he’s not at the farm he’s an avid cyclist and a tour leader for Adventure Cycling Association.

Mark Manasas, Vice President

Mark and his family have lived in Lexington since 2005. His love for all things mechanical brought him to volunteering for maintenance and building projects on the farm. He has enjoyed learning the 400+ year history of the Farm dating back to 1642. The tenacity of the Busa family maintaining the land as a farm in the 1900’s as other farms in Lexington (formerly known as Cambridge Farms) succumbed to market pressures inspires him to help keep the farm working – as a farm. The LexFarm seedling sale has been essential to expanding the crops in his family’s backyard garden!

Mark is actively involved in other Lexington Organizations including Lexington Zero Waste Collaborative, Vision for Lexington Committee, Lexington Lyceum Advocates and is also a Town Meeting member.

Tharshini Mathew, Treasurer

A Lexington resident since 2006, Tharshini’s interest in farming started when she began visiting the farm for dirt play, and other activities with her son. Her passion developed and she and her son started a small backyard vegetable garden which they manage together during the summer. Increased interest in farming and living healthy led her to join the CSA and they have been enjoying the fresh produce for the past 4 years. Pick your own is one of their favorite parts of the CSA. By profession she is an accountant and manages her husband’s company along with her own clients. She is also committee co-chair of the Science Fair at Maria Hastings Elementary School and a Room parent for her son’s class. She also volunteers at Lexington Kids PMC ride which is another noble cause she and her family support.

Sheila Chen Lawrence, Clerk

Sheila, her husband and two young children are Lexington residents and neighbors to the farm. Sheila and her family are passionate about environmental conservation and sustainable agriculture: taking action by reducing their personal carbon footprint, and participating in charitable activities in support of climate change mitigation. Some of her most vivid childhood memories involve hiking the mountains in her native Taiwan with her family, participating in the clean up of trails and public lands. She is excited to be a part of LexFarm, and for her children to grow up in such close proximity to where their food is grown. Previously, Sheila had been a long-time Waltham resident, and a member of Waltham Fields Community Farm. Sheila is Partner and Senior Client Advisor at Ballentine Partners, LLC, a wealth-management firm in Waltham. Sheila provides strategic advice to clients on philanthropy, estate planning, investments, estate planning, tax, and risk management. Sheila serves on the Boston board of Thrive Scholars, a national education non-profit that helps highest-achieving low-income minority students attend and graduate from top colleges and launch successful careers. Sheila also

Ron Chaney

Ron lives with his wife Julie in Arlington less than a ten minute walk from the farm.  Ron’s grandfather was a farmer and school principal in southern Ohio.  When Ron would visit, he would play on his grandfather’s tractor, help his grandmother tend her vegetable garden and chickens, and dodge the cow patties when walking through the pasture.  Ron’s parents also maintained a modest-sized vegetable garden where Ron plowed and disced the soil and helped plant and harvest corn, beans, tomatoes, and potatoes.

Ron moved to the Boston area to attend MIT where he holds a bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD in electrical engineering.  Ron recently completed a 24-year stint at Akamai Technologies, where he was Vice President of Engineering.  Ron’s son Ben lives in Manhattan, and his daughter Isabel lives in Virginia.

Karen Gill

Karen, born in Massachusetts, has lived and worked in a variety of places including Concord, Ma., Texas, Maine, Florida, and over 10 years in Asia Pacific. She is new to Lexington, was exploring how she might get involved with the town in a meaningful way and was instantly drawn to the good work LexFarm was doing for the community. Karen is currently a professional Change Manager and Workplace Strategist with a passion for our environment, education, and helping people. She wants to serve on the board, perhaps broaden the engagement of Lexington’s business community in the farm, and contribute to its ongoing success. Karen is also looking to learn more about farming and all aspects of the Lexington that she now enjoys.

Eric Helmuth

Eric converted his sunny Arlington front yard into a three-season vegetable garden several years ago and hasn’t looked back. His passion for local, sustainably grown food led to his becoming a LexFarm “farm founder,” gardening teacher for Arlington Community Education, and past board member of SeedMoney.org. He’s also a regional grain and artisan bread enthusiast, and mills his own flour at home – including some wheat grown in his front yard. He is a member of the elected Arlington Select Board and is also a Town Meeting member. Professionally, he serves as chief of staff for a Massachusetts state senator. He lives in Arlington Heights with his husband and about 100 pounds of unmilled whole grain.

Patrick Johnson

Pat and his family moved to the Mt. Gilboa neighborhood in Arlington in the Summer of 2018 and quickly fell in love with the farm. Pat is passionate about the natural world and conservation. He worked as a field biologist studying songbirds for 5+ years before receiving a MS in wildlife management. He now works for National Grid Ventures where he is helping to develop projects that deliver reliable, clean, and affordable energy for consumers. He is a CFA Charterholder and an MBA graduate.

Sarah Krissoff

Sarah and her husband moved around the corner from the farm in 2017. Honing a green thumb since she was a child, Sarah enjoys gardening from the spring witch hazel to the winter hellebore. She eagerly awaits summer’s Pick Your Own flower and veggie options and supports the CSA. Sarah works as a Nurse Practitioner and is passionate about the role that a plant-based, local diet has on promoting wellness. Additionally, she feels the farm’s commitment to food access and serving as a community resource to all helps address key social determinants of health. As a former strategy and operations consultant, Sarah looks forward to helping optimize farm processes and growth in support of its strong mission. In her free time, she is an outdoors enthusiast and visiting all 63 US National Parks tops her bucket list. In the meantime, until travel resumes, she enjoys neighborhood walks with her Goldendoodle puppy while admiring the farm’s beauty and bounty throughout the seasons.

Maria Sagan

Lexington is home for Maria and her family since 2001. While her children attended Lexington Public School she volunteered in the Big Back Yard walks and enjoyed introducing the wonders of nature to the students. She was also involved in Boy Scouting and Girl Scouting. Maria enjoys walking in and around Lexington and hiking locally and in the White Mountains. She is an avid sourdough baker using regionally grown and milled grains. One of her favorites is rye bread which reminds her of her childhood growing up in rural Germany. Maria is passionate about the importance of real food. She strongly believes in the importance of accessible locally grown food and the establishment and expansion of local sustainable food production for present and future generations. She has been a LexFarm member since last year and volunteers during the LexFarm’s Working Wednesdays.

Susan Schiffer

Sue, a Lexington resident since 1993, professionally was a biology researcher in the biotechnology industry for 22 years. Since then, she held leadership positions on a number of Lexington non-profit boards. Sue became hooked on cooking farm-to-table dinners for her family when the Lexington Farmers’ Market started over 15 years ago. Since summer 2014, Sue has served LexFarm as a Board member and a member of both the Development and the Communications Committees, served as VP for two years and as President for 4 years. She looks forward to using her prior non-profit leadership experience, communications skills and connections to other organizations in Lexington to continue to help develop this exciting community treasure. When not volunteering for the farm, she creates jewelry at the LexArt, as a member of the Metalworking Guild.

Ping Shen

Ping, a Lexington resident since 2000, is a software engineer and an avid gardener, gardening in her backyard for more than ten years and in the Lexington community garden for the past four years. She is passionate about organic and heirloom gardening. During Lexington’s 300th anniversary celebration, she won first prize for the tastiest slicing tomato in the vegetable growing competition. She cares deeply about the environment and sustainability. She has helped high school students participate in the annual Charles River clean up and volunteers at the Lexington seed library where she got connected to LexFarm. Raised in China, Ping missed lots of the Asian vegetables she grew up with which motivated her to start her own vegetable garden after moving to Lexington. While gardening, she also learned a lot about ecosystem and environmental issues. She believes that we need to return to the basics, get connected with nature, and take care of our environment before it is too late.

Elizabeth Teague

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Teague and her family have been Lexington residents since 2013. Lizzie first connected with sustainable agriculture during a year as a farmhand at a regenerative agriculture school in Japan, and has since focused her career on sustainable agriculture as a tool for community development and climate action. She currently serves as Director of Climate Resilience at the global nonprofit Root Capital, where she leads the organization’s strategy to build the climate resilience of rural communities across the Global South. Outside of work, she enjoys gardening, trail running, sailing, and generally spending as much time as possible outside with her husband and two daughters. Lizzie looks forward to bringing her nonprofit experience, especially related to strategy development and impact monitoring; her knowledge of agriculture and climate change; and her communication skills, including Spanish, to support LexFarm.

Christopher Thomas

Growing up in Arlington and studying environmental studies and plant and soil science at the University of Vermont, Chris has always been passionate about sustainable agriculture and the benefits of locally grown produce. His appreciation for fresh, high-quality food was deepened through a CSA share during his college years. As a professional landscaper, he understands the importance of soil health and biodiversity in creating thriving ecosystems.
Chris is particularly interested in organic agriculture and its potential to provide more sustainable systems for growing food while supporting the farmers who produce it. Now, he seeks to join the board of the LexFarm to contribute his knowledge and expertise to promoting a healthier, more resilient food system in the community. His goal is to support initiatives that prioritize soil health and biodiversity while providing equitable access to fresh, nutritious produce.

Erin Thomas

Erin is a musician, gardener, and problem-solver.  She received bachelor degrees in Music and Cognitive Science from MIT and a masters in Arts Administration from BU.  After working briefly in academia and the start-up software industry, Erin settled into financial services as an analyst, developer, and project manager.  She currently works as a Solutions Architect for NEPC, LLC, an investment consulting firm in Boston.

Erin is a lifelong musician and has studied piano, violin, voice, and gamelan.  She is an active performer and charter member of Gamelan Galak Tika, a Balinese gamelan orchestra in residence at MIT, currently in its 31st season.  As a member of Galak Tika, Erin has performed throughout New England, at Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall, and in Bali, Indonesia.  She also plays gender wayang, a type of Balinese chamber ensemble that traditionally accompanies Balinese shadow puppet plays and ceremonies.  She supports many nonprofits as a volunteer and occasional fundraiser, including Blue Heron, Cambridge Youth Gamelan, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Food Link.  Erin lives with her family in Arlington.