Our Proposal

After several months of research, debate, writing and preparation, LexFarm presented its proposal for a Lexington Community Farm to the Busa Land Use Proposal Committee (BLUPC) last Thursday. LexFarm President, Janet Kern, and Treasurer, Derek Moody, took turns communicating the ideas contained within our proposal in a 20-minute presentation followed by some probing Q & A with the committee.

LexFarm Busa Farm Site Plan
LexFarm Busa Farm Site Plan

At the core of our concept proposal is a working farm that would be a resource for all members of our community – for education and recreation – but the idea also includes aspects of historic preservation and sustainable land use. In our presentation we showed how these uses relate to one another and  and how it would be possible to have a community farm work financially without adding monetary burden on the town.

Below, we have posted both our presentation slides with accompanying text, and our written proposal that provides supporting data and detailed answers to each of the 16 evaluation criteria specified by the BLUPC’s proposal guidelines. All documents, including the site plan, are available via Slideshare.net.

We hope the BLUPC recognizes that there is no site in Lexington, other than the Busa Property, with the combination of location, amenities and infrastructure conducive to a community farm. If the town of Lexington acknowledges that many of its residents are yearning for the types of activities and opportunities provided by a community farm, then Busa Farm offers the best chance.
