Lexington Community Farm
We are thrilled to announce that the Town of Lexington has selected LexFarm to lease the Busa farmland for a community farm starting in 2014!! This is the culmination of over four years of work that began in 2009 when the town purchased the Busa Farm with plans for using it for a soccer field. At that time, LexFarm began as a grassroots group of concerned residents who had a shared vision of keeping the land as a working farm for the benefit of the community. In March 2012, responding to tremendous community support the Selectmen decided that the majority of the 7.9 acre land would be dedicated to a community farm with approximately 1/2 acre devoted to affordable housing. On June 3rd, LexFarm submitted a proposal in response to the town’s RFP for the community farm. You can read the proposal below and we hope you’ll Join us for the continuing adventure!
[slideshare id=24741245&doc=proposalfinal-130729153542-phpapp02&type=d]