Lexington Community Farm Coming Soon!
In 2014, Lexington will have a Community Farm! The Town of Lexington has selected LexFarm to operate this farm.
What is a Community Farm?
Let’s start with what a community farm is not. A community farm is not the same as community gardens or a farm cooperative.
Then what is it? Like privately owned farms, a Community Farm is a professional farm run by professional farmers. Experienced farmers make the decisions about what to grow, when to harvest, and perform the bulk of the labor. While a Community Farm is in the business of growing food, unlike a privately owned farm, a Community Farm is operated for the benefit of the public.
LexFarm will offer a range of programs at Lexington Community Farm to educate and involve the residents of Lexington and neighboring towns. We are also pleased to be working with Community Farms Outreach (CFO), who will be managing the farm production and food distribution. CFO is a nonprofit that has had long-running success in operating the Waltham Fields Community Farm for many years.
How will the public benefit from the Community Farm?
Lexington Community Farm will provide many benefits. Here are a few:
- Food donations to the food pantry and discounted CSA shares for low-income members
- Land preservation
- Passive recreation, such as walking trails
- Farm-based educational programs for all ages on agriculture, local food, and sustainability issues
- Volunteer opportunities
What’s happening now?
Lexington has a long history of farming, but this is the first time the town will have a Community Farm. This new venture is very exciting, and we have a lot of work to do to prepare for 2014. We need your help.
How can you help?
Get involved! Being a part of getting the Community Farm off the ground will be a rewarding experience for everyone who takes part. Involvement will provide opportunities for making connections within our community. And, of course, it will be fun.
There are so many different ways that you can participate.
- Become a member
- Donate to help cover the startup costs of the farm
- Share your skills and expertise as a volunteer
Lexington Community Farm will become a treasured part of our community. Be part of the adventure of building our “Farm For Good”!