Volunteers Making a Difference

kioskNew Kiosk
Thank you to designer and builder Mark Gabrenya and to the over 15 volunteers who helped take down the old swallows’ nest and repurpose it as our new informational kiosk at the farm! The BRAND NEW, lovingly built kiosk includes details about CSA pick-your-own and farm events.  It also provides a wonderful seating area from which to view our growing fields.

Thanks to the hard work of volunteers from Ballentine Partners in Waltham (left to right, Meghan Sullivan, Sheila Lawrence, Christian Stahlman, Brian Kelleher and Giovanna Casey) and the Forsyth Institute of Cambridge (left to right, Jackie Starr, Janina Schuhmann, Lina Faller, Jeff Ellsworth, Kerry Maguire, Tom Stossel) the side of the farm stand looks great!  They also started on the back of the wash house and the hoop house. For information about upcoming opportunities to help paint the farm stand check out the new Volunteer Page.
