Welcome to New Staff Member Gretta Anderson
LexFarm wholeheartedly welcomes Gretta Anderson as our part-time Volunteer Coordinator this summer and fall. Grant funding for this position was secured from the Adobe Foundation.
Gretta’s experience in farm volunteerism has great depth and breadth. In 2002, Gretta began volunteering in the fields and on the Board of Directors at Waltham Fields Community Farm. Her enthusiasm for farming quickly got out of hand. Before she knew it, she was apprenticing on a 5-acre market garden in Dover, MA. She has managed her own CSA in Belmont, founded Shared Harvest CSA, and served as Field Manager at Brookwood Community Farm. Before “retiring”, she managed Moraine Farm for The Trustees in Beverly. She also has a wonderful history with our farm. In 2010 she worked with the Lexington Community Farm Coalition on our sustainability plan as a working farm.
Gretta has been designing a new volunteer program with input from Tim and Elena. She invites you to check out the new Volunteer Page on LexFarm’s website, which is now more straightforward and easier for volunteers and staff.