Feed Local, Give Local!
This summer we are asking the community to focus on food access, to help defray some of the expenses that LexFarm incurs in terms of food donations. Please support our efforts to feed those in need.
2023 “Feed Local, Give Local” Food Access Campaign
LexFarm is committed to growing food for all members of the community, including those who may not have the means to pay for fresh, local, organic produce. Each year, LexFarm donates 10 percent of its harvest to hunger-relief organizations like Food Link, the Boston Area Gleaners and the Lexington Food Pantry – enough to provide fresh produce to over 50 families throughout the summer. Last year alone, the market value of that donated produce was $33,000. LexFarm also subsidizes CSA shares for SNAP recipients.
LexFarm hopes that all community members will value these efforts. This year, LexFarm is seeking to raise $5,000 over the summer months to keep this program going in 2023.
Please support this important campaign: Feed Local, Give Local