Membership (New)

LexFarm on a mission dedicated to education about farms, farming and sustainable land use.



LexFarm Members have made Lexington Community Farm possible.  By contributing annual dues and additional donations when possible, LexFarm members embody the vision that is our tagline: “Growing Community, Community Grown.”

As of March 1, 2015, we restructured our membership levels to remove confusion held by many members last year about what it means to be a member vs. a donor. Our new membership levels are designed to allow you to choose a membership level that best matches your annual donation commitment.

We also greatly appreciate any extra donation you are able to make above and beyond your annual membership donation. The full amount of all donations, including annual membership, is tax-deductible. Lexington Community Farm Coalition is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our Federal Tax ID# is: 27-3671122.


Membership levels:

All member benefits accumulate to the higher level. Each membership level receives the benefits of the lower levels.


  • Individual ($25)
  • Household($45)
  • Subscription to our electronic newsletter
  • Early notice re: CSA share sign-ups
  • Invitation to Member-only event(s)
  • A vote (or two for Household memberships) at our annual meeting, when important decisions are made about our future
  • Discounts on programs
  • 20% off LexFarm merchandise
Gardener ($100+)
  • 1 “Pick Your Own” flower bouquet
Tiller ($250+)
  • 1 “Pick Your Own” pint of veggies
Planter ($500+)
  • 1 LexFarm t-shirt
Cultivator ($1,000+)
  • Invitation to LexFarm harvest celebration
Harvester ($5,000+)
  • Dinner on the Farm event

Please note that a Household Level membership is the minimum level required for all CSA shareholders.

Please invite your neighbors and friends to also be a part of making this new community resource a community-wide treasure!

Fill out your contact information below, your interests and skills (optional). You’ll then be taken to our Membership Payment page, where you can choose to pay by check payable to LexFarm to P.O. Box 554, Lexington, MA 02420, or make a secure online payment through PayPal.

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