Notes from the field : Week 4

People often ask us how we deal with (insert garden pest here). Succession planting is a big part of our success!
As a small diversified vegetable farm, we have to roll with the punches. Weather is the biggest factor that we can’t control.
Things we have some control over include;
weed pressure
insect pests
warm blooded (cursedly adorable!) pests
There are a lot of things competing with us to get beautiful veggies into the farm stand each week.
I won’t dwell those now! We usually (thankfully) come out ahead!
One of our insurance policies against these multitude of pressures is multiple varieties and generations of crops.
The beans we weeded this morning are the second of twelve generations we’ve planted so far.
We have five generations of cucumbers in the plan this year.
We’re planting at least two generations of all the different categories of tomatoes we grow. (Cherry, slicing, heirloom and plum)
Doing this insures that the weather and conditions will be favorable to at LEAST one of the varieties or generations (hopefully!) and gives us a longer season for those crops when inevitable diseases and pests make the rounds.