Notes from the Field : Week 7

Coming back to the farm on a rainy Tuesday morning had me grateful for all the hard work our crew has been doing this summer in all kinds of weather.
They are out there with us harvesting, weeding, irrigating and doing numerous other farm tasks in the heat, humidity, rain and wind.
We’re lucky this season to be able to rely on our farm crew to get tasks done and give us much needed time to do things like paperwork, inspections with our organic certifier and camping for a few days in July.
Matt has come to farming after spending time in the Peace Corps, and a career in social work. He also is an experienced meditator. He’s always willing to jump in and lead groups of volunteers and learn new things on his farming journey.
Max is on summer break from UMASS Amhurst, where he’s studying Natural Sciences and Engineering with the current intention of becoming a Biochemical Engineer. He always asks great questions that keep us thinking! He likes cooking with vegetables from the farm and told us today that once tomatoes come on, he’ll need his emergency kit of prosciutto and mozzarella.
Madeline hails from Ohio and just completed her studies at Tufts. She dual majored in Environmental Studies and Architectural Studies and minored in Studio Art. She also volunteered for a campus organization that redistributed food excess to food-insecure families. She’s observant and is a quick study.
Without our crew, we’d be lost! They are the backbone of LexFarm and if you see them around, be sure to thank them for me!