Notes from the Field: Fall/Winter Pickup 2

Notes from the Field
For most of the season you’ve heard about our crew working long hot summer days to bring you the food in each weeks CSA distribution. Now as our season winds down, we’ve been taking the time to reflect, and build on our vision for next year.
We often get asked “what do you do in the winter time?” and here’s the answer: We start by building a budget that includes research on new tools and implements that can help our farm run even better. Then, we work through our Summer, Fall, and Flower CSA planting lists. We ask ourselves “What worked here?” “How can we maximize our growing space?” “What new varieties have shown promising yields that we’d like to try out?”.
Using these questions as a guideline, we build a brand new master spreadsheet for the season. We then factor in crop rotations, pest controls, fertility needs for each vegetable, and by the time every inch of the farm is mapped out, its time to start planting.