Notes from the Field: 9/1/2020

Well, we finally got some rain on Saturday. As welcome as it was, we have a lot of catching up to do, water-wise. Irrigation continues. We’ve gotten cover crop on the field where our onions were this year. It’s coming up nicely. Hopefully it will continue growing, be killed over the winter and add organic matter and nitrogen to our soil for next year.
We’re still harvesting cucurbits (summer squash/zucchini/cucumbers) three times a week. Our third and final generation of them is slowing down now, so those won’t be around all that much longer.
Today we sprayed the winter storage radishes and our next succession of kale with a nutritious fish emulsion. This is used to give plants a boost via a foliar spray. Both got hit badly by flea beetle and the drought, so hopefully this nutrient boost will get them growing a little more vigorously.
Our Field Crew had their last day on Friday and it seems like the summer just flew by. We’re back to a skeleton crew of three full time farmers until the end of October. There’s still so much to do, but lucky for us, we have workshare members who are able to keep harvesting with us and other loyal volunteers stepping in to help with more field work!
Community Farming in name AND practice!